Tarde/Durkheim Conference @Cambridge


Bruno Latour(Tarde役)とBruno Karsanti (Durkheim役) がタルド-デュルケムが直接対峙したEHESでの講演の模様を再現するらしい。
参加者やオーガナイザーからして、社会学と人類学とで活躍している人がおおいけど、この間のEconomy and Societyのタルド特集で中心的な役割を果たしてそうだったAndrew BarryやNigel Thriftもくるようだ。



Tarde/Durkheim Trajectories of the Social (cambridge 14th-15th March 2008)

Tarde/Durkheim: Trajectories of the social aims to bring together major actors in the recent rediscovery of Tarde with participants from a range of disciplines including anthropology, sociology, STS and philosophy who acknowledge a continuing or productively re-imagined debt to Durkheim. Participants will investigate the way these rival 19th century projects for the social sciences were formed and what remains of the ways each thinker proposed to define 'the social' and partition it across one or many 'disciplines'. They will ask what light this century-old debate between the two sociologists might shed on the very different (and yet sometimes uncannily parallel) concerns facing the arts, humanities and social sciences, at the beginning of the 21 st century, such as inter-disciplinarity, the "ontological turn", empiricism, affect and scale.

• How much of Tarde's sociology can be reclaimed for present use, and in what form?
• What remains of the Durkheimian legacy, and what elements of his thought have not been deployed?
• What light can Tarde and Durkheim's divergent definitions of "sociology" throw on
• the promises and dangers of (inter)disciplinarity?
• the use of 'domains' and the treatment of scale in social science?
• What can Tarde and Durkheim respectively tell us about the place of affect in the social?
• How should sociology and anthropology interface with philosophy and with metaphysics?
• What would a Tardean ethnography look like?
• How might we rethink empiricism, explanation and method, beyond self-running social theories?

The Debate
... a re-enactment of a 1903 debate between Gabriel Tarde and Emile Durkheim, with Bruno Latour and Bruno Karsenti in the title roles.

Andrew Barry - Georgina Born - Alberto Corsin-Jimenez - Tim Jenkins - Bruno Karsenti - Bruno Latour - Robert Layton - James Leach - Yael Navaro-Yashin - Joel Robbins - Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov - Marilyn Strathern - Karen Sykes - Nigel Thrift - Eduardo Viveiros de Castro

Organiser: Matei Candea (Sigrid Rausing lecturer in collaborative anthropology at the department of social anthropology, University of Cambridge)